Thursday, October 09, 2008

Obligatory Chinese Democracy update

Apparently, the long-time-coming Guns n Roses (okay, Axl Rose fronting a new band that is otherwise completely unassociated with Guns n Roses) album Chinese Democracy actually has an official release date. November 23. Best Buy exclusive. Not surprisingly, the report remains unconfirmed. So as always, I leave you with the caveat of "I'll believe it when I see it".

But in the event that it does happen, does anyone want my Dr. Pepper?

"No one ever told me when I was alone
They just thought I'd know better"
- Guns n Roses, Better


Blogger Matthew B. Novak said...

Dibs. I kinda like Dr. Pepper. It's no Cherry Coke, but it does the trick.

How the heck are they going to distribute those?

October 09, 2008 2:00 PM  

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