Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Phelps phollow-up

Kathleen Parker, who I always thought was a conservative but whatever, has an opinion piece in today's Washington Post about the inherent ridiculousness and hypocrisy in the national reaction to the recent Michael Phelps scandal. Not nearly as hilarious as Radley Balko's rant, but probably more likely to appeal to people who haven't already figured out that our marijuana laws, and the enforcement thereof, are antiquated and should be repealed.

Favorite quote:

Once a kid realizes that pot doesn't make him insane -- or likely to become a burrito taster, as the ad further asserts -- he might figure other drug information is equally false. That's how marijuana becomes a gateway drug.

Still not convinced? How about this tale of a marijuana bust gone horribly wrong? Warning: it's quite emotionally draining. It probably took me a good hour to recover from reading it. Though it may be easier for cat people.

America, please: it's time to put an end to this national travesty. Hell, tack on a rider that abolishes all anti-marijuana (or hell, even anti-possession) legislation, and I'd even support the economic stimulus package currently before the Senate. (You know, the one that has no chance of providing actual economic stimulus, and makes the bailout look like sound fiscal policy because at least it stands a chance of recovering some if not all of the government's expenditure? Yeah, that one.)

Legalization: now that's change I could believe in.

"Time after time, it's the same old wrong
You change and you change, it's the same old song"
- Virgos Merlot, Gain


Blogger Ben said...

This has really become your issue as of late.

It's sad, but each time I see "Phelps" I think of Fred Phelps before I think of Michael Phelps. It's slightly less sad that I think of Fred Phelps in the context of that hilarious photos we printed in the Slant.

February 04, 2009 5:15 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

Meh, for want of something to blog about...

Besides, it's always been one of my pet issues. It's just grown more so as I've read more and more stories of how much it shatters lives and neighborhoods.

Don't worry, hopefully I'll get to other things like the utter ridiculousness of cutting defense spending soon :)

February 05, 2009 9:56 AM  

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