Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy 2009!

I don't remember exactly which age I was when I first became aware that something was different on January 1, but it was exactly the same age that I became aware that, really, nothing at all was different on January 1. To a friend of mine who said she was feeling weird about staying in for New Year's Eve, I pointed out that she could just go out for the Lunar New Year, or Rosh Hashanah, and call it even. Because when you really think about it, how do we really determine when the transition to a new year occurs, other than by a calendar we arbitrarily created?

But then again, does it really matter? If we want to bid arrivederci to 2008 (and I'm sure most of us do, although there were some good things about it), why shouldn't we be able to? Even if nothing actually changes on New Year's, it's still an excuse to party.

And speaking of reasons to celebrate...

'Twas a great end to 2008, and I wish all a spectacular 2009.

"I know that it’s true
It’s gonna be a good year
Out of the darkness and into the fire"
- the Walkmen, In the New Year


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