Thursday, April 17, 2008

Last night's Democratic debate

Okay, did anyone else actually manage to make it through the debate last night? I looked at the clock, saw it was 8:30, and briefly reflected on the fact that the only things that had been discussed were bittergate, Wrightgate, snipergate, and Hillary Clinton apparently telling Bill Richardson that Obama can't win against McCain (admittedly it was a little fun watching George Steph-etc. trap Clinton into saying that yes, Obama could in fact win, even after she tried to dodge it). Then I turned off the television.

Sure, I'm as entertained as the next fellow by the farce known as our electoral process, but eventually enough is enough. Can we fast-forward to November already?

Song lyric of the day:
"One by one, ticking time bombs won
It's not the secret of the government that's keeping you dumb"
- the Strokes, The End Has No End


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