Thursday, September 13, 2007

Warner seeking Warner's Senate seat

Great. This is gonna get almost as confusing as the 1996 gubernatorial campaign. And all of us Virginians remember how that one went:

"Who'd you vote for?"
"Warner. Who'd you vote for?"
"Damn conservative."
"No no, the other Warner."
"Oh, sorry about that."
"No worries. By the way, I'm Tom Warner."
"Bill Warner. Pleased to meet you."
"Say, Bill, is there anyone not named Warner in this state?"
"Apparently not, Tom. And don't forget, it's not a state, it's a commonwealth."

Song lyric of the day:
"And you didn't even notice
When the sky turned blue
And you couldn't tell the difference
Between me and you"
- Bloc Party, Blue Light


Blogger Jeff said...

Yes, but fortunately John isn't running for re-election, so it's not quite as confusing. Unless the Pubs nominate someone named Warner just to mess with Virginians. I think they should, personally. I wonder if there's a way to start a primary campaign to make that happen.

September 14, 2007 6:50 AM  

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