Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Independence Day

On July 2, 1776, the Second Continental Congress approved the Lee Resolution, proposed by Richard Henry Lee (grandfather of some other guy named Lee who played some role in some kind of Civil War). With no flourishes, the Resolution clearly outlined that the Colonies were and ought to be free and independent states. (The state of New York, of course, abstained...courteously.)

Two days later, some other document was signed. Of course, history has all but forgotten this long-winded document in favor of the short-and-to-the-point-ness of the Lee Resolution. No one even remembers that other document's primary author. Somebody named Tom, I think.

220 years later, to the day, a young man was in a movie theater with about eight friends watching a movie called Independence Day. Which really has nothing to do with anything, except that there were two moments when members of the audience leaped to their feet and cheered: when the fake President gave his little spiel about the new meaning of the Fourth of July, and when the golden retriever leaped to safety just as the fires from the alien attack swept away countless innocent people. I think this proves that the founders' dreams for a great nation are still alive today. Or at least they were 11 years ago.

But anyway, happy two-days-belated Independence Day.

Song lyric of the day:
"And we'll remember this when we are old and ancient
Though the specifics might be vague"
- the Decemberists, July, July!


Blogger Ben said...

John Adams would thank you. He always argued July 2 should be Independence Day.

Bill Pullman thanks you, too. Everybody in American is full of thanksgiving.

Saaaaaaay, that gives me the idea for another American holiday!

July 04, 2007 5:11 PM  

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