Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Better late than never

This just in: Iran is (sort of) coming to their senses.

Yes, the 15 British prisoners-of-not-really-war-but-something-not-quite-peace are being released. In complete honesty, I harbor some doubts as to whether or not they were in Iranian waters when captured. Which doesn't change in the slightest my opinion on Iran's actions, which seem to be of the "capture first and fuck asking questions" variety.

Either way, it looks like this phase of what is likely to be an exceedingly long sparring session with Iran is soon to be over.

Also, my favorite comment about this situation so far, from Jon Stewart: "We may not be that great at nation building, but we're really good at nation unbuilding."

Song lyric of the day:
"And if the old guard still offend
They got nothing left on which you depend
So enlist every ounce of your bright blood
And off with their heads"
- the Shins, Sleeping Lessons


Blogger Zhubin said...

Psh. The British soldiers themselves admitted, on national television, that they were in Iranian waters. What more do you want? Totally justified. End of story. END OF STORY.

April 06, 2007 9:37 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

Britain is not at war with Iran. This is what should have happened:

- British navy enter Iranian waters (intentionally or unintentionally, who gives a damn).

- Iran: "Um, you're in our waters"

- Brits: "Oh, sorry about that. Jolly good then, we'll be leaving now, it's time for tea anyway"

- British navy return to international waters to enjoy their crumpets

- Iran returns to enriching uranium.

End of story.

April 06, 2007 10:38 AM  

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