Friday, July 14, 2006

A few quick things

First, sorry about the lack of recent blog posts. I started what would likely be a very controversial post on religion, but then due to a combination of laziness and attention deficit disorder failed to finish it. I may still post it at some point.

Second, Jeff provides excellent analysis of the current Israel/Palestine/Lebanon fiasco. I also like his contention that maybe everyone over there should just light up a doobie

Finally, Leonard Pitts has written a very good article about the Supreme Court's Hamdan ruling as a welcome slap on the wrist to the massive overreaching of the current executive branch. (Ben also writes two great posts about the ruling from a more legalistic perspective.)

I want to say one thing about Pitts' article though, as it relates to a point I've been trying to make at the top of my e-lungs: yes, I disagree with Bush on a great many things, but I emphasize, even if I agreed with everything he did I would still be vehemently against such expansion of executive powers, as it goes against the limitations laid out in our Constitution. Granted, I would probably be less concerned, but I would at least stand up and say that maybe the ends do not justify the means. Please, for the love of the democratic process, show me a Republican who actually agrees with most of Bush's actions and yet is still strong enough to acknowledge that bounds have been repeatedly overstepped. Yes, I know they say that it's easy to say such things from the sidelines because there's not as much at stake, but honestly, what is at stake is the foundations of our nation.

Rant over.

Song lyric of the day:
"Now I got my way, I've crowed myself king for a day
And I finally got to implement my changes
I wake up in the trees with my queen next to me
'Cause a king needs to know his place"
- Caroline's Spine, King for a Day


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