Friday, June 23, 2006

The last thing I'll say about flag-burning for now...

Yes, I know you all are getting sick of it. But the wonderful Leonard Pitts, my favorite columnist largely not only because of his eloquence but also because, well, frankly, he's just so gosh darn sane and logical, has written an article bashing a Diane Feinstein article in Tuesday's USA Today supporting the flag-burning amendment. Maybe I'm cynical or something, but the fact that a Democrat is actually co-sponsor of this bill seems like a blatant political ploy to me. Granted, I was never a Feinstein fan back when I lived in her state. And, full disclosure, I haven't actually read her article. Pitts' commentary does not exactly fill me with the desire to do so.

But I digress. Read the article, it's good. And from it, I would like to quickly cite the following two sentences: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands." Americans would do well not to forget that second part.

Update: How could I forget a song lyric?

Song lyric of the day:
"They all want to love the cause
'Cause they all need to be the cause
They all want to fuck the cause"
- Broken Social Scene, Cause = Time


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy 25.

June 25, 2006 6:16 AM  

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