Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Living without DeLay

So it appears my former congressman, Tom DeLay, will be stepping down due to numerous ethical troubles. According to the Post and doubtless other sources, polls suggested DeLay's fight this year might be closer than any he has fought before (the previous closest being his "narrow" victory of 60% in 2004). I have lived in that district and can safely say that is utter bullshit; the people there would likely vote for a tree before voting for anyone without an "R" by their name.

Do I honestly need to recount DeLay's missteps? I could rant for hours, but I'll spare you all. Suffice to say, every week the Houston Chronicle printed major votes that had happened in Congress, usually 4 or 5 a week from the House. I think I agreed with DeLay twice. In two years.

However, someone still residing in that district (for whom I feel much pity) made a good point. Certain corruption and ridiculously narrow-minded partisanship aside, the one thing you can say about DeLay is he got things done for his district. They wanted an even more Republican state than they already had, even though such gerrymandering was blatantly partisan and unethical? Done. They want to interfere as much as possible in people's lives as long as wallets remain untouched? Tom DeLay was their man.

Yes, he got things done. They were just generally the wrong things.

Well, I guess if nothing else, I admit the man was a supporter of the space program. Granted that's likely only due to its obvious political gains, but I wanted to give the man his very small due.

So sayonara, Tommy boy. Can't say I'm sorry to see you go.

Song lyric of the day:
"You've got it all wrong
You can't get it right
Why don't you come down from off my back?
And won't you get yourself a job somewhere away from me?
'Cause I don't want you to see your face anymore"
- Archers of Loaf, Wrong


Blogger Ben said...

Speaking of delay....I've been waiting for a blog post.....

Your public is demanding

April 12, 2006 5:34 AM  

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