Monday, March 13, 2006

As usual, thank you, Leonard

The indispensable Leonard Pitts has once again written an article that articulates pretty much what I've been saying much more inarticulately for a long time. This time, he highlights that, as much as so many of us may like Barack Obama, we need to stop counting on him as the savior of a failing party, or a struggling nation. He may be the future, but we need to look to the present.

This article may contain my favorite Pitts line ever: "[Republicans] know how to package [their platform] in the simplest, most attractive way: traditional values; fighting terrorism; tax relief.

"Granted, some of us think it would be more accurate to describe the foregoing in terms somewhat less simple and attractive: turning back the calendar on the non-white, non-male, non-Christian and non-heterosexual; lying and bungling our way into and through a war that does nothing to make us safer from terrorism; running up a massive deficit while spending with all the judicious restraint of a 10-year-old in a candy store."

Thanks as always, Leonard, for providing a voice of sanity in mainstream media, and mainstream America.

Song lyric of the day:
"Fail with consequence
Lose with elequence and smile
I'm not in this movie
I'm not in this song"
- the Notwist, Consequence


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