Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Your executive branch at work

Firstly, from David Barzelay vis a vis Brad Ploeger vis a vis Fark.com:

How Many Members of the Bush Administration Does It Take To Change a Lightbulb?

(I didn't feel like reposting it, just follow the link.)

In addition, Leonard Pitts, my twice-weekly dose of sanity, writes an article about the continued erosion of our basic freedoms. Not that we aren't all aware that is happening. Not that this particular incident, apparently originally reported by Cameron Barr in The Washington Post, was a result of direct action by the Bush administration. It's simply indicative of the culture said administration seeks to cultivate: restrict the freedom of American citizens while allowing the executive branch to do pretty much whatever it wants, usually behind that glowing facade of "national security". You know, the facade that makes people think such infringement is acceptable. Sigh.

Just remember: 1065 days until we have a new president.

Song lyric of the day:
"The future teaches you to be alone
The present, to be afraid and cold
So if I can shoot rabbits, then I can shoot fascists
And if you tolerate this, then your children will be next"
- Manic Street Preachers, If You Tolerate This Then Your Children Will Be Next


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