Monday, July 26, 2004

A good point from Bill Clinton? No way!

I make no bones about it: I do not like George W. Bush as president of our country.  But I also try to focus my disdain on his policies and not on his character.  I actually believe he's a good man who is trying to do what he feels is best for the nation.  It was refreshing tonight watching the Democratic National Convention to hear former President Clinton say the same thing.  He made the point that most politicians (with a few corrupt exceptions) are decent public servants whose aim is to make America's future bright; they simply have different perspectives on the best method of doing so.

Personally, I hope this outlook spreads.  Maybe partisan politics can finally leave personal attacks behind and focus on issues (and I mean real issues, not whether people want to marry each other).  Let's talk about the foreign policy, let's talk about economic growth, let's talk about scientific research, let's talk about the future.

(Mike steps down from his soapbox, brushes his hair back, and grabs his book.)

Song lyric of the day:
"The past is gone
But something might be found
To take its place"
          -Gin Blossoms, "Hey Jealousy"


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