Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Cozumel and resumption of blogging

Tomorrow I am bound for Cozumel to do some scuba diving. When I return, I am taking inspiration from my friend Jeff Woodhead (yes, that is his real name) and making my blog more relevant to current issues. You can view his blog here.

I will still periodically update my whereabouts on the planet, as I have frequently been asked, "Are you in Houston? Are you in Nashville? Are you in Virginia? Where in the hell are you?" But since I find relatively little to report from my personal life (nor desire to bore people with such details) I will try to obey Jacob Grier's #1 rule of blogging: "Be meaningful." (You can view his blog here.

That is all. Oh, and I'll still have song lyrics, of course.

Song lyric of the day:
"Cold silence has a tendency
To atrophy any sense of compassion
Between supposed brothers"
          -Tool, "Schism"


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